Ambit Energy of WNY
Just another site


In order to get your prospects to invest in your Ambit Energy business you need to create a connection.

1. Gain their trust by telling them something they already believe, “Nobody wants to pay too much for their energy.”

2. People don’t like to be sold. So ask them, “What would you like to know first about Ambit?”

3. People like what others like, try “Most people would like to pay less for their energy.”


5. Give a sincere compliment. Something like, “Wow. You are always on, how do you find the energy?”

6. Get your prospect to discuss their WHY. Ask, “What would you do with extra money every month?”

We all have a dream. Let Ambit help you reach for it!


Your downline doesn’t quit because of the price of the product, the economy, because their upline has bad breath, or any of these trivial reasons.

Your downline quit because they run out of prospects to talk to.

Look at it this way. If a consultant had four hot prospects to see next week, would that consultant quit?

Of course not.

So our job is to teach our consultants the skills to have a constant supply of prospects.

If we don’t teach our new consultants the correct words to instantly create prospects, what are they going to do? Buy leads? And now they have purchased the names of strangers to ruin with their untrained words.

Prospecting is easier if you can instantly create multiple sources of friendly prospects with trained words.

For example, you may have a breakfast club send you prospects, or the Internet, or referrals, or advertising, or viral marketing … and these sources will send you friendly, pre-sold prospects to talk to because you used trained words to create these prospects.

It is easy to be motivated when you have plenty of prospects. And, it is easy to make presentations when you know your future doesn’t depend on a single prospect.

Because if you only have a few prospects to talk to, there is an old saying:

“Prospects can smell desperation.”



This industry is big and it’s making a major shift. Get your team moving now! Be the first to help friends and family save money before they can get it at WalMart.

Will consumers buy electricity from the same stores where they go for groceries or big-screen televisions?
Increasingly, the answer is “yes.”

Utilities around the globe are teaming up with retailers such as Marks & Spencer Group in Britain, Coles Supermarkets in Australia and Best Buy Co. in the U.S. to sell energy and related products directly to consumers. The utilities believe they can benefit from the retailers’ superior customer-service practices and the trust consumers have in popular retail brands. Retailers see a growing market in energy-conscious consumers who now shop for everything from power suppliers and energy-efficient appliances to solar panels, insulation and home-energy-management systems.

As more utilities have been forced to compete in deregulated markets, establishing alliances with retailers has helped them build customer loyalty and reduce customer churn. Having a presence in popular retail environments also gives the utilities an opportunity to package their basic energy services with products from smart thermostats to energy-efficient appliances.

“The better job we do to present a range of energy solutions beyond just providing power, we become a lot more valuable to that consumer,” says Jason Few, president of Reliant, the Houston-based unit of power provider NRG Energy Inc.

Reliant has teamed up in Texas with electronics and appliance retailer Best Buy, in whose stores the utility now markets electricity plans and free home-energy monitors that help customers figure out how they can reduce their electricity consumption and save money. Similarly, Constellation, owned by Chicago-based power generator Exelon Corp., is experimenting with selling electricity plans through Best Buy stores in Illinois. Best Buy is based in Richfield, Minn.


Ever have a conversation with a prospect and the prospect blankly nods … and you know you are going nowhere? What is that prospect thinking?

Prospects have three basic decisions when you talk to them about your opportunity.

1. I am ready to start a business now. It’s the right time for me to take action.

2. I have fears. I can’t take the risk of failure. I will delay starting a business forever. I will remain in the information collection stage of my research to avoid moving ahead and exposing myself to failure.

3. My subconscious mind has programs such as:
* “Money is the root of all evil.”
* “Money doesn’t grow on trees.”
* “Don’t talk to strangers.”
* “I don’t deserve more than I have now.”
* “I am afraid of what others might think.”
* “I am a victim.”

So when we give presentations to prospects who have made choice #2 or choice #3, they zone out. They look blankly into space and hear us go on and on about useless data and company facts while they aren’t paying any attention.

So what is the solution?

Stop talking to people who have had their subconscious minds already make choice #2 or choice #3. “You can run with a thousand, but you can only drag one.” Move on to prospects that are ready to start their business.


For all you Ambit Energy consultants out there that would like to get some new leads for more customers just do the following:

1. Sign into your powerzone and go to ‘My Business’ and bring up your customers list. What you have a list with phone numbers.
2. Start calling your current customers.
3. Ask them how their service has been with Ambit? Have you noticed how much money you are saving?
4. Now for the big question: Do you know anyone else that would like to save money on the energy bill?

It’s just that easy. Try this and you will get new customers.


1. How to work half days and get full-time pay.

2. How to spend an extra three hours with your
children every day.

3. I show people how to retire five years early
— but at full pay!

4. Take a six-month vacation, twice a year!

5. How to get $300/month raise without having
to ask your boss.

6. How to fire your boss and start your own

7. How to get a 25% raise and never have to
commute again.


Imagine yourself at your local Ambit Energy business presentation. You are just getting your business going and you have invited your good friend to see the opportunity. You know this person would be great at network marketing. He/she just needs to see Ambit for what it is, GREAT! They need to see the timing of energy deregulation, the ability to save their family and friends money, the great compensation plan, etc.

After the presentation ends, DO NOT ask “What do you think?” This will lead them to be a critic. To try to find anything they don’t like.

Instead, just ask “What did you like best?”. Now sit back and listen. Agree with the same things that they like. Pick up on their dream and try to explain how Ambit can help them reach it.


The affiliate program offers natural gas and electricity services to residential and small commercial customers in deregulated markets such as New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Illinois, Texas, Pennsylvania, and Maryland. Ambit Energy has created a fantastic opportunity for non profit organizations such as churches, boy scout groups, school bands, choirs and neighborhood associations, civic organizations and others to create an ongoing monthly( to yearly) residual income stream.
In deregulated energy markets customers have the right to choose who provides their gas/and or electricity supply. Ambit Energy has already helped tens of thousands of customers to save money on their electric/gas bills.
What makes this so unique is that once a customer ENROLLS FOR FREE,as they pay their electricity and natural gas bills, the organization through which they enrolled will generate a monthly residual income stream.

1. Of course the organization will need to enroll as an Affiliate Partner with Ambit ($99.00) Once the organization has enrolled, it will receive a personalized website from Ambit Energy, complete with an individual ID number.
2. Simply promote the website to your audience.
3. Explain that the goal of this effort is to enroll electricity and natural gas customers. So, if people know people in those markets where Ambit Energy Service is available, they can simply upgrade their service For FREE to obtain a discount on their energy bills.
4. Promote the ease of simply asking anyone you know if they would like to save $$ on their energy bills.
5. The organization will receive $2.00-$9.00 per month for everyone who has enrolled as a customer and pays their bill. That means that if your group switches 100 customers they will get a monthly stream of income of between $200 – $900 each and every month.

Your customers will be very happy to save as much as 30% on their monthly natural gas/and or electricity bills. They will also be happy to know that a portion of the money every month will be supporting their non profit organization.

This program is easy and simple. Once it is established, there is no need for continual follow up and resale. As your organization does this month after month, it has the potential to develop into thousands and thousands of dollars.


7. Let Go!

We often cling to possessions, we cling to people, we cling to the past and can’t live in the now. We cling to fears of what the future might bring and perhaps sometimes have excuses to not go do what we really want to do. We often carry a lot of stuff in our minds. It can become like you are carrying half the world on your back. That’s not very helpful, so you need to let go of things. Not only to move lighter and more freely but also to be able to fully move forward in life. Letting go is, for example, an awesome way to reconnect with the present again. Letting go enables you to drop irrelevant stuff and make the choice to focus on the stuff that bring you happiness.

A few tips that have made it easier for me to let go are these:
– “Is this helping me or is it just some nonsense or something I’m reliving from the past?”
– “Am I clinging to it because it’s what I have known for such a long time and it seems comfortable and safe even though it is holding me back?”
– “Who cares?”

Accept it. Then let it go
When you accept something instead of resisting it you stop feeding more energy into your problem and you stop making it even bigger. So it becomes less powerful and easier to just drop. As long as you resist it then it will be hard to let it go.

Give up “being right”
Realize that you may cling to things because they might make you feel right as you replay an argument or conflict over and over in your mind. It gives you a certain sense of satisfaction as the other person is wrong. But you have to give up that kind of satisfaction to move on.

Let go of one thing from the past
Maybe an old conflict, an old argument or being wronged by someone. Let it go to start living more fully in the present instead of the past.

Let go of negative, small, petty, judgmental and unimportant stuff
If you dwell on stuff, like how someone cut in front of you while you were driving or something negative your boss told you and blow it out of proportion all the time how will you be happy? How will you be able to focus? And how will you be able to handle something really big when it comes along like a serious disease, a break up or getting laid off? Be smart about that stuff. Don’t make yourself weak by making mountains out of molehills. Let that stuff go and focus on the more important and positive stuff you have and want in your life.

Let go and just enjoy the journey with your Ambit Energy business.